Monday, April 25, 2011


Gives me the biggest erection, ahhhhh. One day..........


A few months ago Tim and friend each got me the naked palette. I had been searching for this palette for weeks a in one day I got 2!!!

I absolutely adore this pallete, and made sure all my friends knew it! So today I came home to this!
My friend Knichi got me everything that I would absolutely love for no reason at all! I had been wanting to try the natural palette from two faced but I was trying to be good and finish some of the palettes that I already had first. But I now I don't have to wait! And my first R&R powder, I have two of the blushes but lost one of them and didn't care for the other one, but I am really excited to try their powder which I know I'll love. She also got me my one of my favorite scent, sweet pea along with a Marc Jacobs leather bracelet!!!!! OMG  I love that she knows me so well, even the special K bar is my favorite flavor!! So ecstatic to use every! THANK YOU KNICHI! <3


I've a bit stressed at work so the last few days I've been treating my self to a few things.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kill for


After 6 months of being back ordered they're here.

Preview Wedding

 We were actually suppose to get married this May, but being that I just turned 24 my father thought I was too young and made it clear that it was important to him that I wait till after I'm 25. So we took the opportunity look at more options, and after going though all the details, we decided to get married in Italy. It would mean so much more to us to take 20-30 of our closest friends and family and spend two weeks filled with wedding events. Instead of inviting 200 guest, we could use it to spoil those who meant the most to us. *Painting a picture in my head*-Bridal party in Venice, bachelorette in the comfort of our picturesque suite, ceremony in a beautiful cathedral, reception to follow in the very gardens of  Italy and what better ambiance than Italy itself. *sigh* Lets just hope!


Last Thursday was a beautiful day, after being so gloomy for so long, which I love, so me and some friends loaded up some bikes and headed off. I also picked up these gorgeous polishes from American Apparel, Army Jacket, Cotton, and Palm Springs. I wore Palm Springs this past weekend and LOVED IT! Perfect shade and one good coat and your good to go.

Stolling Along

After having lunch with my friend, Elisa, we stopped my one of my favorite Boutique and picked up a few things.


After months of deciding whether I'd ever wear these, they're mine!